Résultats de votre recherche

    5 Résultats
  • Lina Vingerhoets - Controller - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de Universidad del Pacífico.
    Southern Copper - Mines - Pérou
  • Jorge Munoz - Executive Vice President, Executive Creative Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Communications in Advertising de Universidad del Pacífico.
    McCann Health New York - Communication & Ventes - Etats—Unis
  • Samuel Morales - Senior of Marketing, Retail and Online - has a Master of Business Administration from Universidad del Pacífico and Marketing degree from Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management.
  • Jose Loo - Head of Global Partnerships and Business Development - has a Master of Business Administration in Business, Management and Marketing from Universidad del Pacífico and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Universidad de Lima.
    Vindicia - Logiciels - Etats—Unis
  • Lety Pirronello - Senior Director of Revenue Management - a reçu un Bachelor in Hotel Management de Universidad del Pacífico.
    Twenty Four Seven Hotels - Hôtels - Etats—Unis

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